Our Staff

Northern Power Lax | WHO WE ARE | Our Staff



Northern Power Coaching Philosophy

Inspiration vs. Obedience: We believe in inspiring players to be their best. We want players to want to buy-in to team standards and goals because they’re inspired to do so - not just because we tell them to. Each player should be inspired to work and play hard because of their love for each other, love for the sport, and will to compete. Not just because a coach is telling them to do it. We want practice to be the best 1.5 hours of each player’s day!

Demanding vs. Demeaning: Northern Power will always strive to push players to perform at maximum capacity and beyond. We may demand a lot from players and hold them to high standards, but we will never be demeaning.

The Trust Triangle: We know that we can only push players as far/hard as they trust us. Our goal is to build trust with players teams on and off the field. In order to do so, players must consistently experience our character, commitment, and connection with them. There is no such thing as ⅔ trust!

Standards vs. Rules:  Standards are the byproduct of our culture. They are the shared values and beliefs that dictate our attitude and behavior. We live by the standards we create!

Decentralized Command: We believe in empowering players to be leaders. Everyone’s role is important and meaningful, regardless of their position or spot on the team. Players must be empowered to make key decisions, and have trust that their coach will consider and support their decisions.

Rewarding Excellence: Catch people doing things right! The most powerful form of motivation is inspiration. Reinforcing positive accountability is more powerful than negative accountability. Always find ways to reward excellence, but never take favorites.

E+R=O: Event + Response = Outcome. We strive to create a culture that is not only character driven, but response driven as well. It is our goal to teach players how to respond to adversity on and off the field. The event doesn’t dictate the outcome, your response does!